Morgan Lemp, LCSW
I’ve had the opportunity to work with people from many different backgrounds both before and after becoming a social worker. People’s stories, joys and predicaments have been a draw for me since I was a little girl. I found my way to social work and ultimately therapy a bit later in life. During my master's program there was a shift, even an alignment, in how I felt about myself. I was finally on the right track. Around the time I finished school, difficult personal events helped me find my career path. My grandparents were aging, moving towards end of life. I gained a new understanding of their struggles as well as the impact it had on their kids, my mom and aunts and uncles. These personal experiences, along with my professional training, led me to focus on working with older adults.
Sometimes long journeys come with the big rewards. I now have more than thirteen years experience working with older adults through human services, hospice care and individual therapy.
It would have been tough moving through big transitions in my life if it weren’t for a few great supports. My goal is to give you the sense that you are supported and not alone.
I live in Denver with my husband and our therapy dog in training.